Showing posts from April, 2024

Boombox (Toshiba RT-150S)

Image: Etsy Seen in FBDO Ferris Bueller’s boombox is best seen at approximately 00:10:35 in the film as he plays the clarine…

Official Wrigley Field Scorecard

Image:  The Ferris File Seen in FBDO Just over Cameron’s right shoulder, an official Chicago Cubs scorecard can be seen at a…

Illinois State Lottery Tickets

Image:  The Ferris File Seen in FBDO Several Illinois State Lottery tickets can be seen at 01:38:34 when Ferris’s parents cl…

Wrigley Field Seat Location

Image: Paramount Pictures Seen in FBDO Ferris, Cameron and Sloane take in (at least a portion of) a baseball game at Chicago…

Hallmark Koala Plaque

Image: eBay Seen in FBDO This koala plaque is seen a few times during Ferris Bueller’s Day Off including the scene at 00:08…

Elvis Presley Picture

Image: YouTube Seen in FBDO This particular image of Elvis Presley is seen in three different locations inside Ferris Buelle…

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